Friday, June 14, 2013

Do you have a favorite Bible story or character? I do, it's one of the stories of Leah (Genesis 29), and it's the reason for the name of this blog: Leah Beloved. Why do I call her that? Because she learns that she is beloved by God.
Leah had a hard time in life. Her husband, Jacob, met her beautiful little sister, Rachel, and fell head over heels in love with her. Jacob wanted to marry Rachel - and Laban, Leah and Rachel's father agreed... only to substitute Leah for Rachel on the wedding night. Imagine the next morning when Jacob woke up to find Leah- the one with the weak eyes- and not the lovely Rachel he was expecting. Oh, the hurt and the humiliation for Leah.
Her father tells Jacob, "Finish out the week with this one." Ouch. And then Jacob gets to marry Rachel. So Leah has a week as a new bride before Jacob marries Rachel, who he loved more than Leah. Hurts and wounds pile on for Leah.
Leah continues to try and win Jacob's affection. She was second best, not chosen, not preferred by Jacob. But God saw her, and he comforted her by giving her children. She keeps naming her sons in ways that show her heart. Her first born, she names Reuben, and says the Lord has seen her affliction and that NOW her husband will love her. She conceives again and names the baby Simeon. Her comment this time is, "Because the Lord saw I am hated, He has given me this son, also." Again, she is focused on how Jacob feels towards her, his rejection, and the pain is raw. She has a third son, Levi, and says, "Now my husband will be attached to me because I have borne him three sons!" It's clear that she continues to get her hopes up, wanting love, and then is disappointed, time and time again!But something happened she had her fourth son, Judah. Scripture doesn't give us more detail, but it looks like something happened to her heart. Maybe God whispered to her, "I am enough." At any rate, when Judah is born, she doesn't focus on Jacob anymore, but instead says, "This time I will praise the Lord.. therefore, I will call his name Judah." And Judah means, "praise the Lord or give thanks to the Lord."
I love how the Lord really saw Leah. It didn't matter that she was unloved by Jacob or what anyone thought of her. The Lord saw her, loved her, and worked in her heart and life. Leah appears to respond by focusing on the Lord and how He has blessed her. No more the  chasing after Jacob's love and being disappointed. Instead of focusing on what she lacked (love), she focused on what she had (sons and blessings from God.)
And you know what else is so encouraging? Leah is the one who is in the lineage of Christ! Through her son, Judah, who was a forefather of Christ. (Matt.1:2-3). I love how the Lord is so perfect in his plans and the stories he has for each of us! What an honor for poor, rejected, "unloved" Leah! That's not who she was in Him. :)
Thank you, Lord, for seeing us and loving us. Help us see ourselves through Your eyes, and to trust Your sight, Your plans and Your love. Amen!

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