Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Third times a charm

I love New Year's.. new starts.. hopes.. dreams.. reminders that time is going by and it's important to LIVE life!! So, am trying this again. No terribly ambitious goal, but just to write more often. Not hard to beat my past year's records! LOL...

Decided I want a fun goal for this next year-- one new thing each month, copying my friend Tammie, who did this a few years ago. Already started off the year with one new thing.. went to Denver for New Year's Eve. Girls in tutu's running around on their way to raves, feeling glad that I'm no longer 20 years old. Ever want to feel mature? Walk around a city on New Year's Eve.. we had the desire to tell most of the girls to put on some clothes. And while they were at it, some sensible shoes. Oh well.. you're only young once. Ok with where I am.. cute sweater, but sensible shoes for all the walking. Enjoyed watching fireworks on 16th Street Mall. But checked off the big city experience for New Year's Eve. Enjoyed it.... but don't feel like I need to repeat it. NYE on Time Square.. not on my list!!

Still working on a goal to get to all the States. Made some progress in 2011-- South Carolina, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York (City!!!) added to the list. Oh.. and Montana for a great Labor Day Getaway with my Life Reclamation girls!

Funny thing about goals. Alaska was already on the list for the year.. but tentative plans to go on an Alaskan cruise the summer of 2012. Last month.. normal day at work.. fun day in Greeley.. my boss volunteered me to do some consulting with a psychiatric hospital... in ALASKA!!! Even better, this trip, as my way will be paid by the company we are consulting for. :)

Love unexpected surprises like that. Hoping to see my friend, Andrea, with a stop in Washington on the way home. Miss all of my friends who have gotten married and moved away.. but the up side is that I get to visit them all over the country.

So.. here we go 2012. Hope you hold some good things!! :)

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