Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life reclamation!

About a year ago, some friends and I decided we would create an informal type of support group with the goal of life reclamation. Initially, that term meant to me that I would have a life outside of work. Obviously, it has been over 2 years since my last blog post. Aack! I had been identifying with the bumper sticker I saw: "I used to have a life until my job ate it!! "

Happy to report that I have spent the summer traveling all over--- God blessed me with a trip to Europe for a month this summer, and I just got back home from another 10 day trip to North Dakota and Minnesota.

Focusing on a new type of life reclamation-- trying to figure out why I always seem to put myself last, so that my house is in a crazy state because I'm never home, I usually have clothes in the dryer waiting for me to put them away, and somehow, exercise doesn't find it's way into my life on a regular basis enough.

So, I'm starting a new type of life reclamation--- creating sanity in my own life and home and taking care of myself. Yikes. Why do I feel so selfish, even as I type these words? I know that logically, I'm no good for others if I'm not around and don't take care of myself. What is this struggle about? Planning to explore that in posts, life, prayers.

Baby steps. So, got out for vacation in a major way this summer. Guess what I learned? The world didn't fall apart! Work was still there, co-workers missed me, but there were no catastrophes. Lesson there: I can leave at 5pm every day. Basic, I know, but needed to learn that. I'm more productive and less stressed, too!

Baby step number 2: Working on taking my vitamins every day.
Baby step number 3: Went back to WW today after vacation, even though I knew the scale would show an increase. But, the increase was small, and I have decided I will NOT quit going no matter what. A member today celebrated a 50 lb weight loss, and had me in tears. That WILL be me and I don't care how long it takes. I refuse to give up!

On to life reclamation baby step number 4-- sleeping before midnight every night. Yep, I'm a night owl and often reap the consequences of too little sleep. Life is just so interesting.. but... it will all be there tomorrow.. :)